Africa Digital Policy Circle


About the
Africa Digital Policy Circle

The Africa Digital Policy Circle aims to be the catalyst for transformative digital policies in Africa, driving economic growth, inclusivity, and innovation. By bringing together the continent’s most influential leaders and thinkers through exclusive webinars, the ADPC will shape the future of Africa’s digital landscape, ensuring that the benefits of digital transformation are widely shared and sustainably realized.


To be the premier platform for shaping Africa’s digital future through exclusive, high-level webinars that foster innovation, collaboration, and actionable policy recommendations.


To drive sustainable digital transformation across Africa by convening influential leaders from the public and private sectors, academia, and civil society to discuss and shape digital policies that promote economic growth, inclusivity, and technological advancement.

and Format



The main activity of ADPC will be high-level online webinars. Each session will:

  • Last for one hour.
  • Feature three high-level delegates discussing topical issues for Africa at a policy level.
  • Be held under Chatham House rules to encourage open and honest dialogue.
  • Be invitation-only, ensuring exclusivity for both speakers and audience members.
  • Limit the audience to a maximum of 50 participants to maintain a focused and impactful discussion.


To ensure the sessions are impactful and lead to tangible outcomes, the following actions will be recommended post-webinar:

  1. Policy Position Paper with Recommendations: Develop a comprehensive policy position paper summarizing the key points discussed and providing actionable recommendations for policymakers.
  2. Stakeholder Consultations: Organize follow-up consultations with relevant stakeholders to further refine and implement the policy recommendations.
  3. Pilot Projects: Initiate pilot projects based on the discussed policies to test and demonstrate their feasibility and impact.
  4. Workshops and Training: Conduct targeted workshops and training sessions to build capacity among policymakers and other stakeholders on the discussed topics.
  5. Monitoring and Evaluation:​ Establish a framework for monitoring and evaluating the implementation and impact of the policy recommendations, providing periodic updates and feedback to all stakeholders.


To ensure the effectiveness and accountability of the ADPC, the following metrics will be tracked:

  • Policy Adoption: Number of policy recommendations adopted by governments.
  • Investment in Digital Infrastructure: Amount of funding mobilized for digital infrastructure projects.
  • Digital Inclusion: Progress in reducing the digital divide, measured by internet penetration rates and digital literacy levels.
  • Economic Impact: Growth in digital economy indicators, such as e-commerce revenues and tech startup funding.
  • Participant Engagement: Satisfaction and feedback from webinar participants, fellows, and stakeholders.

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